A piece for 12 non-professional Franco-Senegalese dancers as part of the Senegal in Isère 2021 festival.
A participatory project
The Malka company’s work is based on both a local approach (actions aimed at local audiences and communities) and a global artistic approach with an international dimension.
It pursues a dynamic approach based on bringing together dances, languages, communities and people through the energy of hip hop dance. Our dance is a dance for expression, a dance of openness and cross-fertilisation, a dance that transcends borders, a dance that has also drawn on the currents that have run through the dances of the twentieth century.
Bouba Landrille Tchouda and his company have demonstrated, through their strong involvement in a large number of awareness-raising projects, both inside and outside the school context, their constant concern to educate and open up the public to choreographic practices, as well as building a link between amateur and professional practice, whether through artistic residencies, public rehearsals, workshops in schools, courses with amateurs, etc. The choreographer is constantly working to establish a direct relationship between the artistic team and the local population, focusing above all on interpersonal relations and encounters. Bringing hip hop dance to audiences and places where it is not expected, in neighbourhoods, in medical and educational centres for the disabled, in prisons… is an essential part of the company’s work.
Questions about the other, about oneself, about identity and difference are increasingly challenging us. These questions are at the heart of social and political concerns. The news echoes them, whether tragic or a beacon of hope and new solidarity.
With On est ensemble! the third and final part of the VIES VIOLENCES triptych, we are continuing our experimental creative process in which each member can take ownership of the subject matter and become its producer, enriching each other’s imaginations. In the course of this process, situations of violence or confrontation with the other (in his or her difference) may fuel the production of a poetic language. Aimed primarily at amateur audiences, teenagers and young adults, participants are invited to mobilise their ‘poetic’ body, the body that speaks, the body that expresses itself without any act of violence. Our aim is to stimulate a certain outlook, a critical and constructive attitude, mobilise the creativity of the participants and contribute to their personal development.
in partnership with les associations Diagn’Art et Kaay Fecc with the support of l’institut français du Sénégal / le département de l’Isère dans le cadre de l’année culturelle Sénégal – Isère / le théâtre Prémol à Grenoble thanks La Rampe / La Ponatière – scène d’interêt nationale art et création danse et musique