OCNI La Mure

As part of its residency in the Matheysine region, Compagnie Malka has created an Objet Chorégraphique Nouvellement Imaginé (Newly Imagined Choreographic Object) by and with residents of the Matheysine region.

On Friday 23 June 2023, a free public performance will be held in La Mure.

The project was led by Bouba Landrille Tchouda, Artistic Director and choreographer, and Lyli Gauthier, dancer and company member.

With the participation of Petis Pas dans les Grandes and the La Mure music school.


‘I was delighted to have taken part in the OCNI workshops and to have met all the beautiful people, of all ages, who made up the group.

Thanks again to the ‘com com’ for this initiative, which gave us the chance to dance and learn from Bouba and Lyli.

And thanks also to Cathy and Pierrot.

My passion for dance has only grown with each experience and each year!

I’d like to share with you my personal impressions of the OCNI project:

– the artists involved, Lyli and Bouba, were highly motivated and very committed to the project, giving us a great deal of creative freedom. Thanks again to them for their sharing, their generosity and their trust. And hats off to them, because it’s not easy to manage a group of around 20 people of all ages and from different backgrounds.

– I found the 3 rooms very pleasant, especially the 2 rooms in La Salle en Beaumont. The dance floors are much nicer than at Pierre Châtel.

– on the frequency of workshops:
One day per month is fine. A 3-hour morning goes by very quickly. The 6-day week (from 17 to 22 April) was perhaps too intense (to be checked with the people who were present on those 6 days). Although for my part, I would have liked to have been present for more than 2 days that week. And a whole weekend, the week before the final presentation, is reassuring and necessary!

– And the experience of performing the short pieces live with the musicians from the music school was ‘TOP’! To be repeated!

I also wanted to point out that Lyli Gauthier was not mentioned or thanked in the acknowledgements given on Friday evening before the OCNI performance. Her presence throughout the workshops was a great help to us. Lyli is marvellous and has an exceptional sense of teaching.

I’m sure there are other points I could mention, but here’s what comes to mind.
I’m available by phone if you need me.

I’d also be very interested in joining another artistic project next season.


‘Our teenagers have strengthened their caring relationships in this group. Values that are all too essential for us parents at this age. Thank you (…) for making this human experience possible’.

Parents of teenagers who took part in the workshops

‘Thank you, thank you, thank you for offering such an adventure with such great companies.
I’m very grateful and happy to have been able to take part.
Communication was given well in advance so that I could get organised.
