As part of the Spectacle Vivant artistic education residency in the Bièvre-Valloire area, the Communauté de communes de Bièvre Est, Bièvre Isère Communauté and Entre Bièvre et Rhône Communauté de communes are joining forces to take part in the 16th Lyon Dance Biennial parade on 13 September 2020, coordinated by Jaspir and under the artistic direction of Bouba Landrille Tchouda. You don’t have to be an expert dancer to take part. Everyone is welcome to dance, play music, make costumes and build the float.
Artistic proposal
This title refers to Mami Wata, spirit of the water, sometimes described as a mermaid, half woman half fish, or a beautiful woman holding a snake found in the coastal regions of West and Central Africa. She is the mother (goddess) of the Waters, feared by fishermen, and symbolises both the nourishing sea and the destructive ocean. Mami Wata is sometimes seen as a metaphor for modern African conditions – having the knowledge of the world’s wealth and the desire for large-scale consumption, but lacking the actual wealth or access to that world wealth that would allow Africans to participate in the system.
She is the only African deity worshipped in a vast geographical area that brings together cultures and peoples as diverse as the Igbo of Nigeria, the Ewé of Benin, the Bamiléké of Cameroon and the Kongo. It symbolises supreme power (just as the goddess Durga in the Hindu pantheon symbolises shakti).
The dance is based on a series of movements reminiscent of those of the sea, with calm moments but also more eventful phases, like swells and waves, and even more explosive ones, like waves breaking on land…
All these movements are generated by Mami Wata’s moods.
With duets, lifts, scenes of ‘building’ spaces of solidarity, imagining that we need the other to move, to move forward… to tell others about ourselves, to rejoice together, to encourage dialogue with the other, to show and share the richness of our singularities.
There’s no shortage of opportunities to dance. We’ll be dancing here because it’s vital that we get closer, that we talk to each other, that we respect each other, that we build stories together.
choreography bouba landrille tchouda /choreographic assistants Lia Fayollat, Lyli Gauthier, Willy Razafimanjary / music Manuel Wandji « Wambo » / set builders César Chaussignand & Quentin Charnay/ costumes claude murgia / guest artist Eddy Eketé, plasticien (République Démocratique du Congo)
Project sponsor la fabrique jaspir, Saint-Jean-de-Bournay in partnership with La Ressourcerie Bièvre Valloire, Duarig Transports, Les Tricot-Pipelettes, Muzik App’, Apprentis d’Auteuil – Foyer Jean Marie Vianney, ADELIS, Centre Social Les Sources, SMAEL – Le Péage de Roussillon, Centre Social de L’Ile du Battoir, ESAT APAJH Henri Robin, FLJEP, Jaspir Prod, Danse la Plaine Entente, Lycée Polyvalent Hector Berlioz, O’ Talent Aiguille, Enfance et partage, Club Couture Sonnay, Art passion – Viriville, Famille Rurale – Saint Etienne de Saint Geoirs… with the support of Conseil Départemental de L’Isère, CAF de l’Isère, Bièvre Isère Communauté, Entre Bièvre & Rhône Communauté de communes, Communauté de Communes Bièvre Est, La Fabrique Jaspir