For nearly twenty years, local authorities and cultural institutions in France have recognised hip hop dance as a social and cultural movement, and have made a commitment to its artistic development by supporting strong projects from professional companies. Our company’s artistic residencies at La Rampe-Echirolles from 2004 to 2011, at Château Rouge – Annemasse from 2011 to 2016, in Bièvre-Valloire and at the Rive Gauche (SCIN) in Normandy from 2018 to 2020, in Matheysine from 2021 to 2023 as well as at the MC2: Maison de la Culture in Grenoble from 2016 to 2018 and at the Maison de la danse in Lyon in 2017-2018 are examples of this recognition in progress.

These commitments have enabled us to put our work on a permanent footing and open up strong prospects for revitalising and developing this artistic discipline. The work carried out by choreographer Bouba Landrille Tchouda as part of these residencies has received very positive feedback from audiences and cultural professionals alike. This recognition is also the result of the combined efforts of all those involved in the field to support the work of a creator, and to share his passion for dance, which is both demanding and meaningful.

Artistic residencies open up a wide range of possibilities for audiences, and the company is developing a strong focus on young people. To do this, we mobilise our energy and resources to develop synergies with the facilities and generate momentum among the various players involved, taking into account their expectations and their own challenges.

Our project is marked by a desire for encounters and exchanges, as evidenced by the career of choreographer Bouba Landrille Tchouda. From the very start of his professional career, his work has been nourished by confrontation and sharing with artists from a wide range of backgrounds. His collaborations, marked by human adventures and stylistic cross-fertilisation, have enriched and continue to nourish the dance of Compagnie Malka.

We’re concerned about our relationship with the local community and its stakeholders, and we’re working to ensure that our artistic residencies are a driving force in arts education, based on dance and the many different forms of action we take.

We are keen to contribute to the attractiveness of the region and to build relationships with all the structures and players involved.