
The Malka company has been providing artistic support and advice for a number of years to emerging companies and young dancers on their way to becoming professionals.

The company could act as an artistic intermediary, providing an outside professional perspective on a work in the making.

Campagnonnage Fanny

I met Fanny back in 2021. The IFC had invited me to work as a choreographer alongside Chantal Gondang on the project ICI AILLEURS, as part of the special event SUR LA ROUTES DES CHEFFERIES DU CAMEROUN at the Musée du Quai Branly in Paris.

I sensed from the very first moments that Fanny was in a different place in her dance, that she wasn’t dancing to show off or because it was fashionable, but to say things.

Fanny’s dance is charged, whole, sincere and uncompromising.
I was particularly touched by her simplicity, her energy, her determination… Her poetic universe speaks to me!

I’m working alongside her to help her define her artistic project and to support her on dramaturgical, scenographic and choreographic issues.

This partnership began with Fanny Abega’s presence from 6 December 2023 to 5 January 2024 in Grenoble, where Compagnie Malka and its artistic director and choreographer Bouba Landrille Tchouda are based. These 2 weeks of work were hosted at the TMG – Théâtre Municipal de Grenoble (Théâtre de Poche), giving the choreographer the opportunity to develop the writing of her solo in greater depth, as well as to gather the choreographer’s experience in building her project (artistic file, draft technical sheet, distribution possibilities, etc.).

As part of this initiative, Fanny has been invited to present her solo at the Festival Off d’Avignon 2024 in the same slot as Compagnie Malka, which this year presented Barulhos at the Château de Saint Chamand de la Manufacture from 4 to 16 July 2024. Tête-à-Tête will run from 18 to 21 July for the first time in France.
The final stage of the creation took place in Yaoundé, Cameroon, in May 2024, for which the choreographer travelled for 1 week. At the end of this final period of work in pairs, Fanny’s solo and the solo J’ai pas toujours dansé comme ça, choreographed and performed by Bouba Landrille Tchouda, were presented (17 May 2024).

This partnership was supported by the Institut Français du Cameroun as part of its ‘IFC en création’ programme.

Les Attrape-Corps

Les Attrape-Corps is a contemporary dance company of students and young workers based in Saint-Martin-d’Hères. Every year, it creates a choreographic piece for your viewing pleasure, based on an exchange between amateur dancers and a professional choreographer. For 2024-2025, the company has chosen Bouba Landrille Tchouda to accompany them in their creation.

The choreographic piece being created will be based on the theme of passion…performances from the end of March 2025.